Quel est le coefficient de dilatation thermique de la tôle d'acier au silicium ?
Fires. Definition and calculation of coefficient of thermal expansion The coefficient of thermal expansion is the proportion of linear or bulk expansion of a substance at a change in temperature, usually expressed as α. Its calculation method is: α = ΔL / Lo ΔT Where ΔL is the value of th…
Performances et nuances des tôles d'acier au silicium chinoises
The H series number commonly used in China follows the labeling of Nippon Steel of Japan in the 70s-90s. And now regular manufacturers are labeled according to the new labeling. Old Marking New Marking Performance Equivalent Material 2019 Price H12 50H270 50WW270 B50A270 $21,000 H14 50H31…
Quels sont la densité, le module d'élasticité et le coefficient de Poisson des tôles d'acier au silicium ?
The density of silicon steel wafers usually ranges from 6.2 to 7.65 g/cm³, the exact value being influenced by the composition of the wafers and the production process. Its modulus of elasticity is generally 160-200 GPa, indicating the ability of the material to resist deformation. Poisso…